Rev. Rosemarie Carnarius (1938-2015)
Rev. Rosemarie Carnarius (1938-2015)

About Rev. Rosemarie...

Rosemarie Carnarius' Autobiography (per "Author Info" on

"Born into the most turbulent and tragic of times in European history (Leipzig, Germany, 1938), I was already exposed as a child to the human capacity for committing atrocities. As a result, I began to ponder at an early age the causes of hatred, oppression, violence and suffering. At the same time, and in contrast to the darkness and fear around me, I was blessed with deep inner experiences, especially in nature, of a mystical presence..."   

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From - "In Memory Of..."

"...Rosemarie was born in Germany during a time of ruthless injustice and immeasurable tragedy. She was six years old when World War II ended, and fearing that she might be caught for political action against the communists, she escaped to West Germany at the age of seventeen. A deep thinker since childhood, Rosemarie’s early life experiences helped shape her ministry and writing...."   

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from Sermon by Rep. Pamela Powers Hannley' [audio]...

"...In her book, Envisioning a New World, UU Rev. Rosemarie Carnarius applies the concept of balancing yin and yang to public policy. She suggests that we should try to consciously balance social responsibility—the yin—with individual liberty—the yang. It sounds so simple yet so profound. Like the Tao."

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Oct 2013, 330pg
Sep 2014, 314 pages
Nov 2013, 330 pages
Nov 2012, 407 pages
May 2012, 176 pages
July 2014, 202 pages
July 2014, 122 pages
June 2014, 158 pages
June 2014, 146 pages
Jue 2014, 160 pages